Affected By Love

Poetry by Terry Ritter

Mainly autobiographical poetry about relationships: This was a time now decades gone, when I went into the Army. This meant vast isolation, vast frustration, and vast periods in which to feel and record. It factually starts with the age 20 me (who happened to be in South Vietnam in 1968), and runs through various leaves at home and my final year in the army. It includes my return home, and leaving again to find a job and resume my education at San Antonio College. But this poetry is not about facts; it is about feelings and relationships. I hope it expresses some common themes and experiences we all can remember.

Terry Ritter
Austin, Texas
January 1996

  1. My Poetry
  2. Pinball
  3. Hesitate
  4. Mated
  5. Hung Up
  6. I Saw Her
  7. Sensuous Miss
  8. Campaign
  9. Dreamer
  10. Thinking
  11. Wait in Line
  12. Bunks
  13. The Night
  14. Write Me
  15. Interest
  16. No Mail
  17. Questions
  18. You Know
  19. Some Fun
  20. Crawling
  21. Contrast
  22. Surrounded
  23. Ghost-Whisps
  24. Surprise
  25. Linda
  26. Towers
  27. Management Problems
  28. Someone
  29. Spread
  30. Memory
  31. Words
  32. Texas Heat
  33. Word Erasers

Terry Ritter, his current address, and his top page.

Last updated: 1996-01-23