Nancy Taylor Day

Author and Poet

[Professional] [Public]

2609 Choctaw Trail
Austin, Texas 78745

Phone / Answer Machine: 512-892-0127

Nancy has a Bachelor's in Journalism, did time as a periodical editor, and has been writing seriously since the early 80's. Her main interests include situational relationships in both short stories and novels.

[American Kennel Gazette] "Chicken Dog," one of the Papalote Chronicles stories, won the annual American Kennel Gazette fiction contest for 1994.

[Pinehurst Journal] "Hanging off the Edge" a short story about a woman in Africa, appeared in the 1994 July issue of Pinehurst Journal, a small California literary magazine. Inspired by Nancy's 1992 trip to South Africa.

[Represa] Represa, a collection of short stories about prision life, won one of the two Austin Book Awards given in 1987. Loosely based on Nancy's exerience as the daughter of the doctor at Folsom prison, the book has been used in literary criticism and prison literature classes at the University of Texas at Austin.

Nancy occasionally teaches a Haiku class as part of the Austin Writers' League workshop series.


The BB series is written for early teens in the tradition of Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz: An ordinary person experiences a unique event and is temporarily thrust into a bizarre imaginary reality. But more like The Phanthom Tollbooth, these stories are intended to simultaneously amuse and also inform. They address "new-age" topics like dream interpretation, Astrology and the Tarot.

BB's Dream Quest: 1983-1987

BB and the Zodiacal Light

BB and the House of Cards

The Great Bicycle Heist: 1996-1999

The Permanent Solution: 1992-1995

Brush with Death

Short Story Collections

Represa: 1985-1987

The Papalote Chronicles: 1993-1996

Short Stories

Something to Give Away

Those Whom We Love

Poetry Collections

[Coming with the Quiet]

Coming with the Quiet: 1997 chapbook

[I Live in a Circle]

I Live in a Circle: 1998 chapbook

Also see Nancy at

Last updated:1999-02-15